So being sensible people we thought it best to get our electrics checked. I booked Martin from
Switched On Electrical Services to test everything and quote for any necessary work.
After a thorough going over, he discovered a 'daisy chain' of spurs running off one socket. We have a socket, running to another socket, running to another socket...all the way down to the shed. Oh and we shouldn't use all the burners on the stove as we risk burning the house down.
Another job is fixing our garage door that's so warped we can't shut it. This has appealed to a wee robin who flits in and out through the gap, busily building a nest behind the paint pots. According to our eldest 'He's very sneaky and quite scared of us'. We're in and out of the garage all the time so I'm hoping he'll relocate soon.
Ronald Robin |
A comfy home |